Information about Helseinn

Helseinn is a network of organisations working together to promote co-creation and innovation processes for better public health and more sustainable health services. The network consists of over 75 partner organizations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. Our partners are mainly based i Innlandet Region.our network-page here!

The Innlandet Hospital Trust, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences are members of the cluster, along with health and technology companies, municipalities, as well as NGOs such as the Red Cross and the Norwegian Cancer Society.


Supporting innovation
We work to improve the partners’ innovation capacity. We assist partners in innovation processes, in finding collaboration partners and with grant applications to secure financing of projects.

Collaboration and knowledge-sharing
We provide an interdispilinary and cross-sectoral arena for hosting events, workshop and innovation processes – bringing together a unique cross-sector network of people, companies, key public sector health players and NGOs collaborating for solving cross sectorial health and welfare challenges

Promotion of opportunities
We provide an arena where needs and solutions meet. By connecting professionals from the health sector with R&D institutions and companies we contribute to new ways of thinking in the development of a more sustainable health care system.

We have four innovation labs available for our partners:

  • Innolab at Nord Gudbrandsdalen VGS, Otta
  • Arena17 at Fakkelgården, Lillehammer
  • Innolab at Terningen Arena, Elverum
  • Lab for integrated health services, Bright House, Gjøvik
Creative problem solving

In our innovation labs we provide a physical space for idea generation, co-creation and piloting of new products and services.
We can also provide test sites in collaboration with our partner The Innlandet Hospital Trust through Testarena Innlandet. Testing is also available through our partner cluster Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, which is part of Nordic Proof.

Research and Innovation

Helseinn and our network are all partners in research and innovation projects related to welfare and health technology, e-health, remote patient monitoring, integrated health care, VR/AR/XR technology, as well as public health and health promotion. Have a look at some of the projects we are involved in here!

HelseInn as a project partner and partnering facilitator

Project proposal development

During this stage we can facilitate partner dialogues, concept development and grant writing processes

Project implementation

During the execution of a project Helseinn as a project partner can perform various roles, such as:
Project management, WP leader, process and WS facilitation, task /output responsible, stakeholder coordination and impact management, communication and dissemination activities and provide facilities for workshops or other project meetings

For inquiries please contact us at

Our Partners